
Tristan da Silva, Magic Staff Assist at United Against Poverty and Celebrate Community Service Milestone 

Since arriving in Orlando this past June, rookie forward Tristan da Silva has learned quite a bit about his new team. 

For one, he’s seen all summer long how hard this group works. It’s no surprise to him after being around teammates and coaches the last couple months that they went from winning 22 games in 2021-22, to 34 in 2022-23, to 47 in 2023-24. 

He’s also picked up on the Magic’s core principles, which include playing hard-nosed defense, hustling on every possession, being selfless, and staying resilient when things don’t go your way.

Most recently, he’s discovered the enormous impact the Magic make on the entire Central Florida area through their unrelenting commitment to the community. In fact, when he heard they had set a new community service milestone, he decided now was as good a time as any to sign up and volunteer himself.

That’s precisely what he was up to on Tuesday, Sept. 10, as he, along with Community Ambassador Bo Outlaw and approximately 25 Magic graduate associates, participated in a service project at United Against Poverty (UAP) to celebrate the Magic Volunteer Program (MVP) reaching 100,000 community service hours. Together, they assisted in sorting, cleaning and stocking supplies, clothing and other items for UAP’s Member Marketplace, Member Share Grocery, Emergency Food Pantry, and the STEP Clothing Closet. 

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